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Position: Associate Professor
Engagement: Full-Time Professor
Title:Prof.Asoc.Dr. Faruk Bojaxhi

Autobiography – CV

Autobiography – CV (English)

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Publications of Prof. Ass. Dr. Faruk Bojaxhi
Scientific Journals
Title of the paper Name of journal Year / Volume / pages
“The Growth of Bosnian
Pine (Pinus hedreichii
Christ.) at Tree-Line
Locations from Kosovo and
its Response to Climate”
SEEFOR South-East European
Forestry . ISSN:1847-6481
2016 Vol.7, No.2 – Bojaxhi et
al 10 faqe
“Spatial and temporal
variation in Bosnian pine
(Pinus heldreichii Christ.)
growth due to climate in
International Journal of
Development and Sustainability
ISSN: 21868662
Volume 6.

Number 1(2017): Pages 1-15

“Spatial and Temporal
Growth Variation of Pinus
heldreichii Christ. Growing
along a Latitudinal Gradient
in Kosovo and Albania,
SEEFOR South-East European
Forestry . ISSN:1847-6481, e-
ISSN:1849-0891 (online).
2017 Vol.8, No.2 Bojaxhi et
al 8 faqe
Growth response of Silver fir
and Bosnian pine from
SEEFOR South-East European
Forestry .Link: seefor.1
SKKFOR (June 2010), Vol 1
No 1 – Contents, Recived 19.
02. 2010.
Punime shkencore (abstrakte) ne Konferencat Nderkombetare dhe Kombetare Shkencore
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Punime shkencore (abstrakte) ne Konferencat Nderkombetare dhe Kombetare Shkencore
Title of the paper Conferences Year / Volume / pages
“Relationship between
climate and radial growth of
Bosnian Pine (Pinus
Heldreichii Christ) from
three sites along the
longitudinal gradient in
International Conference of
Ecosystems, (ICE 2016),, Essays on
Ecosystems and Environmental
Research Journal” ISBN: 978-9928-
3-6 Qershor 2016, Vol-1-2016
pp 644-651.
“Spatial and temporal
variation in Pinus heldreichii
growth at tree line locations
in Kosovo”,
Trace 2016, Conference of Tree Rings
in Archaeology, Climatology and
Ecology” Bialwieza Poland.
11-15 Maj 2016. Abstract
Book faqe 62.
“Spatial and temporal
variation in Pinus
Heldreichii growth at tree
line locations in Kosovo”
International Conference of
Ecosystems, (ICE 2016),, Essays on
Ecosystems and Environmental
Research Journal” ISBN: 978-9928-
3-6 Qershor Vol-1-2016 pp
Reagimi rritjes radiale te
grumbujve te Pinus
heldreichii. Christ ndaj
kushteve klimatike lokale
nga rajoni Prevalles, ne
juglindje te Kosoves.
Instituti Alb-Shkenca, Takimi i X
Vjetor Shkencor Nderkombetar
28-30 Gusht 2015, Libri i
permbledhje ve 10, faqe 137
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