This Statute was drafted in implementation of the Law on Higher Education in the Republic of Kosovo and is a concrete implementation of this Law, as well as all other legislation in force for public higher education.
The Statute reflects the reorganization of the internal structure of the State University of Prizren and the study programs based on the Law.
The Statute of the University of Prizren contains the main norms that regulate the activity of the institution, such as the organization, activity and work of the constituent structures, authorities and governing bodies, their election or selection, levels of delegation of authority by governing and administrative bodies, periods of internal evaluation of structures and study programs, duties and rights of academic, non-academic staff and students, as well as other tasks that regulate the activity of this institution.
On the basis of this statute, as well as various instructions, etc., are prepared the internal regulations of the main units of UPZ, as well as of the bodies and authorities that are in its jurisdiction.