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Predatory Publishing

University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren engages in the fight against predatory publications, trying to provide an academic environment dedicated to scientific quality and academic integrity.

But what exactly is predatory publishing?

In essence, predatory publishing is an unacceptable practice in the world of science, where a journal or a publisher offers publishing services in exchange for payment of publication fees, but does not perform the duties and procedures necessary to guarantee the quality and integrity of science. This includes the lack of peer review processes and editorial work, which is necessary to ensure high scientific standards.

At the University of Prizren, opposing predatory publishing is a consistent part of academic policies and practices. In this institution, respect for the criteria of genuine science and efforts to strengthen the quality of scientific publications are essential. For this reason, the University of Prizren encourages researchers and academics to avoid cooperation with predatory publishers and choose the path of publications in reputable journals accepted and recognized internationally for their high scientific standards.

By supporting a clean academic environment committed to quality, the University of Prizren is helping to strengthen scientific integrity and promote a culture of genuine science in all fields of knowledge. At the University of Prizren, we believe in quality, integrity and responsibility in science and hope that all participants in our academic community share this vision and contribute to the advancement of human knowledge in an ethical and sustainable manner.


View the initiative criteria Think!Check!Submit! , whose recommendations are available in many languages.

More information

The following resources provide further information and background on predatory publishing: