The workshop of “Capacity building and networking between University career offices”, held on November 18, 2021, was organized by the Career Development Center of the University “Haxhi Zeka” in Pejë.
The coordinator of the Career & Alumni Center, on the behalf of the University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren, Mr.Nehat Gashi as well as Prof. ass dr. Serdan Kervan, participated and actively contributed, with the purpose of connecting and establishing the cooperation of the Career Centers of the Kosovo Public Universities. Meanwhile, apart from establishing the collaboration, they agreed for a joint project, in order to develop these centers in the best possible way.
The workshop was supported by GIZ and DIMAK Kosovo, who are collaborators and constant motivators for the functionalization of these centers.
Main discussing points in the workshop:
- Discussion of the consultant’s report engaged by GIZ/DIMAK Kosovo;
- Providing career services for students and graduates;
- Human and infrastructural resources;
- Institutional connections;
- Internationalization/regionalization in practice;
- Networking with similar offices;
- Budget for Career Offices/other financial resources that influence the increase of the budget and the quality services;
- Development of a promotional strategy/plan;
- Internalization and digitization of career office services to reach a wider audience.