Registration in Doctorate

University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren is part of Project: The development and implementation of Ph.D. Curricula in ICT for Kosovo Education System / DI-PHDICTKES

The general aim of this project is to create a national curriculum for Ph.D. Program in ICT, and initially involved in the program at three Universities in Kosovo (University of Prishtina, University
“Ukshin Hoti” Prizren and, UBT College, and in the future, aim to increase the number of affiliated Universities) with direct involvement of Programme Country institutions (LNU: Linnaeus University, NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and SEERC: South East European Center) that have demonstrated long time experience in similar programs.


The University  regulation for doctoral studies regulates the organization and implementation of doctoral studies at the University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren
(hereinafter University), the institution responsible for organizing studies, the format and
duration of studies, the criteria for enrollment in studies, the manner of conducting
studies, teaching, and research, the procedure for submitting, evaluating, and defending the doctoral dissertation, the rights, and obligations of the student in doctoral studies (hereinafter: the doctoral student), the rights and obligations of the mentor, ways of quality assurance, as well as other issues related to the organization and implementation of doctoral studies.

Regulation for doctoral studies